Monday, August 22, 2011

Repentance Is The Way

August 21, 2011

My message is a simple one. Follow the longings in your heart and there you will find me. So many of you are looking for me in the wrong places. I cannot be found when TV’s are on or much commotion is taking place. You have to search for the quiet time in order to hear me. A new time is coming when it will be easier to hear me clearly. You will see when the time comes that quiet time is much sought after. There may be much peril in days ahead but I will still be present. I am always present to you if you look. Open your hearts now for now is the time of great mercy. No other time have I been this present to you. It is a gift that I give in my mercy. Look not far to find it, because it is present when you truly repent. Repentance is the way to my heart and mercy. Come now and truly follow me because I am here for you. Do not be afraid of times to come but rather see them as a time of true grace for my people. We are on this journey together and in order to win souls we must pray and fast together. When the time is right, I will look on my children with great mercy and favor, but your hearts must be in the right place. A place of love and compassion for fellow man. We have come to a place in time where man is put against man. I did not intend for it to be this way my child. Man is supposed to take care of fellow man in all ways possible. This saddens me to see such a sight. However, we can work together to begin to change this one prayer at a time. All is not lost in this matter. Look to me for guidance and I will lead you there. Thank you for taking the time to write today. Remember to spread the good news when you can.
Your Jesus

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