December 13, 2013
You are my light as you are here with me. I want you to tell others to be my light in the darkness. Few are following me now. Few care. I am so hurt that no one will suffer with me. Yes, the world is full of suffering, but if you bring it to me, I will bring you into the light. The light of Christ shines so brightly and I want you to join me. I will give you strength in these dark times. Are you willing to suffer for me and with me? It is your gate to heaven my children. I rose to bring you new life in me. We are united so you are never alone in suffering. Rejoice for I am with you. Share this good news with others. I am bringing you the kingdom to share in. It is promised to you so have no fear. You can rise up strong when you enter into my light. Be sure of this and know my truth. Whatsoever is beautiful and lovely there am I in the midst. All things are possible with me. All is well for you my children. For I am here.
Your Jesus