Friday, October 21, 2011

You Were Created Out Of Love

October 20, 2011
I want to speak to you of my great love. My Father is love and I am His keeper. We work together for the kingdom. Many evils are at hand today. Abortions, pornography, disease and my great love can heal. When you start from the beginning, I healed Adam and Eve with my great love. I can do the same today. You must turn away from evil and come to me so I can heal you. When in doubt, look no further than your heart and find me there. I am the great I Am. Just be with me and I can heal you. I show my children many sides of myself. Love is a great part of me. It can heal all things, remember this. No evil can destroy my love. My vine is full of a great harvest for those who come to me. Only true love can heal a multitude of sins. Love is instilled in all of you. You were created out of love, and great love you do have. It is united to me. My power will help you see the light in love. It is a great light burning bright. Evil cannot extinguish it. My children are saved through great love. A love that only I can give. When you are feeling sorrow or trouble, remember my love. It will carry you. It is always there, my child. You can imagine my love when you feel love for a child. My love is exemplified in that love. I want the best for my children. Whatsoever is good, fair, and kind brings forth love. It is a powerful gift. A gift the world cannot give. Look to others and bring them love for me. I love you.
Love, Jesus

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