June 28, 2012
Try not to lose sight of me in your daily lives. Do not lose sight of the tabernacle where I reign. A new time is coming which all will need to fast and pray. Much evil will arise and we need your prayers to save souls. Tell the world this my child. I cannot convince you enough of what your fasting and prayers will do for the world. Will you follow me now? Will you be my light in a world of darkness? Do not be downtrodden. If you are, you are spending too much time focusing on yourself. There is no time for that. A multitude of sins are committed each day. We need your prayers. Offer up the day’s miseries to save souls. Many of you are on earth to do so. I love my kingdom so much and wish to bring about a new peace, but many will suffer first because they don’t know me. Help them to know me in your thoughts and words and deeds. Pray to help save souls each morning. It will bless you fivefold. Do not be afraid of this task. You are capable of dedicating your life to this. Be sure that I will transform the kingdom. All is well.
Your Jesus
June 21, 2012
My child, purgatory is a special gift. It is where souls go to repent and become renewed before they enter heaven. It is nothing to be afraid of, but it will be painful. The pain you will experience most is a longing for God and a remorse of your sins. You can most definitely pray for souls in purgatory and your prayers will be heard. Not one prayer will be left unheard for a soul. The prayers may shorten a soul’s time in purgatory and many also give that soul strength. The souls there know you are praying for them and are grateful. When a soul enters heaven, prayers may still be being said for them. It is still good for their soul and yours. These prayers can be used for others who need them as well. My child, prayers will always help a sinner’s heart turn to God. But I will never interfere with one’s free will. They will ultimately choose me or the evil one. Keep praying for your loved ones who are struggling. I will take them under my wind and hold them closely. The tide may turn for these sinners through your continued prayers. Never give up praying for someone. Offer your sufferings for their conversion and for souls in purgatory. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Your Jesus
June 11, 2012
I want all of my disciples to follow me and come on hands and feet before the tabernacle. This is where you will find me, Your Jesus. You do not have to look any further. When you are weary and need rest, please come here. For my yoke is easy and my burden light. Why do I tell you this my children? Because I long to see you and to be with you. I cannot minister to you in the chaos of your day, only the quiet. You must make these quiet times for me to reign in. All is well when you do this. Many nights can go by when we do not talk at all. This makes me sad. How can I minister to your souls when you do not talk to me? I will not force myself upon you. I am your gentle Jesus. I am kind and understanding to your needs. Come away with me at adoration where we can be together. It is a resting place for you and for me. Knock and the door will be open for you. It takes a long time to get established with this habit, but it will happen for you. Ask me to help you get to adoration and I will. I will never fail you. You are my child. I will never leave you. Do not be afraid. Cast out all fear when it arises. I give you the power to do so. Come and be with your Jesus. I am waiting.