Tuesday, May 1, 2012

To Restore The Peace And Tranquility

May 1, 2012
I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am your one true God who knows all and sees all. I wish to speak to you about harmony, my love and tranquility. Everything in the universe was made to live in harmony. But this harmony is being shattered by sin. I am the only one who can fix this my children. You must pray for my love to come down and heal the world. I want to restore the peace and tranquility. I want this for you my children. So many of you do not know that I seek this. I do, but I need your help. We can start to fight sin together. I need your fiat, I need your Amen to do so. Why do I let so much sin fall upon the earth? It is not my will that this happens, but it is the free will of man that commits sin. If you begin to seek harmony and not prosperity you are more likely to restore the tranquility in your lives. Seek peace. Seek calm. Do not look for storms. They come to mankind enough. I am your heavenly father who will lead and guide you. All is well in the kingdom.

Your Father in heaven

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