April 25, 2013
My child, please write of the peace and joy of the coming kingdom. You will not always be alone in the sorrows of this time. I will come with new conviction and new hope. Rest assured that I am with you now until the end of the ages. Be still and know that your God is here. Slow to anger, abiding in mercy. Yes, it is I who is abiding in you. The wisdom you hear in your heart is me. No other fruit this beautiful can fill your heart. Be at peace with my wishes. It is you I have sought out for these messages. They rest in your heart and are transported to the heart of others. Your suffering is united to mine. Let the world know I am coming to grant peace to my chosen followers. My love cannot be contained. Let my love flow freely through yourself to others. This is what my coming kingdom is. A free flowing fountain of love. My love is everlasting and sufficient for you now and always. My love never dies. Grasp this in your daily lives and you will live better and more peacefully. You have the choice now my children. It is your free will. Choose me.
Your Father in Heaven