Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Tugging On Your Heart

February 2, 2012
You must pray that my children learn obedience. Obedience to my father in heaven. You are creating grave sins by not being obedient to my father. It is ruining your nation and the world. You must listen to the words of my father. You can’t turn a deaf ear and expect things to be different. Pray that your fellow Christians will learn more obedience. To do this one must fast and pray hard to learn what my father is asking of you. There is also a tugging on your heart to know what my father wants of you. You must listen to this calling. That is when you become obedient. It many not be what you want to hear. It may be uncomfortable, but you will know when my father calls you, and you must listen. Your fellow Christians need to learn this. They are the ones who are not listening to my father’s call. They say they believe in me, but do not listen to my father. What a grave tragedy. This is why there is so much disturbance in your world because Christians are not standing up and obeying God. You cannot be lukewarm my children. What good does that do you. You must follow mine and my father’s teachings and commandments. We did not make them that hard to follow. You are making it hard on yourselves because you are trying to become your own ruler. When you take a backseat to God’s rules, your lives will be simpler and less anxious. I have always taught this my children. What else can I say but to follow God’s rules and laws and your lives will turn around. Great things will happen for you and the world. Keep praying and fasting for guidance.
Your Jesus

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