December 22, 2011
I want you to write about the will of my Father. It is hard to contemplate, but it is not hard to follow. You must put your own will aside, and then you will find my Father’s will for you. It is not hard to follow when you are casting away sin and walking in my footsteps. You must listen from your heart to hear the Father’s will. It is one of peace and love and self-giving. Where else can you find my Father’s will but to follow me, your Jesus. Many of you lie captive to the devil’s evil ways, but you must resist. Do what God would want you to do in a situation. He, the devil, will tempt you to follow your own ways and be lazy in following God’s will for you. You must be awake to these lies. And that is what they are - lies. The devil will tempt you to believe that your ways are the true ways to help you. You must never follow your own ideas, only God’s. Pray and reflect much on God’s will for your life. If you do so, he will reveal it for you. But, warning, that God’s will is not the easiest path. It is the holiest. Look not on what your brothers and sisters are doing. Follow only your own path that God has planned for you. If you work with him, this path will be much easier to follow. Again I say to you to pray hard for the conversion of sinners and let this be part of God’s will for you. We need your prayers everyday. Go and spread the good news of my gospel.
I want you to write about the will of my Father. It is hard to contemplate, but it is not hard to follow. You must put your own will aside, and then you will find my Father’s will for you. It is not hard to follow when you are casting away sin and walking in my footsteps. You must listen from your heart to hear the Father’s will. It is one of peace and love and self-giving. Where else can you find my Father’s will but to follow me, your Jesus. Many of you lie captive to the devil’s evil ways, but you must resist. Do what God would want you to do in a situation. He, the devil, will tempt you to follow your own ways and be lazy in following God’s will for you. You must be awake to these lies. And that is what they are - lies. The devil will tempt you to believe that your ways are the true ways to help you. You must never follow your own ideas, only God’s. Pray and reflect much on God’s will for your life. If you do so, he will reveal it for you. But, warning, that God’s will is not the easiest path. It is the holiest. Look not on what your brothers and sisters are doing. Follow only your own path that God has planned for you. If you work with him, this path will be much easier to follow. Again I say to you to pray hard for the conversion of sinners and let this be part of God’s will for you. We need your prayers everyday. Go and spread the good news of my gospel.
Your Jesus