Friday, September 9, 2011

Always Look At Yourself First In Reflection

Sep. 8, 2011
Our time is running short my child. When do you think it will be time for the renewal? It is now. It is a time of reflection, praise, and worship. I need those followers of mine to bow down and pray, for I need your prayers at this time. World leaders are conjuring up great evils upon mankind, and I need you to fight this with prayer. Close your eyes and see a vision of peace to come for all of mankind but this will come after great trials. When will this happen you say, after a time of great renewal. Be steadfast in your prayers knowing that I will bring this about. But for now I need you to turn away from sin. This means any and all temptation that comes your way. I will not dismiss even the smallest sins because they hurt mankind. When in doubt, deny yourself, and turn away from sin. Always look at yourself first in reflection. Know that I will always be here helping you turn away from these sins. Even the smallest inkling of temptation is one to turn away from. My Father knows how hard it is, that is why I am here for intersession. Hide yourself in my wounds and you will be safe. Many of you do not turn to me in times of temptation. I will rescue you. You must fly to me when temptation strikes and I will shield you. You must turn the other cheek, when foes cause you dismay, to reject the temptation to sin. I know this is hard my child, but it is your duty as a Christian. Temptation will strike at any given moment, so you must be secure in my love for you and come to me for strength against these vices. I am fighting for you at all times so do not despair. Rather rejoice in knowing that you are not alone in your temptations. Try to come to me when you find it hard to resist a bad habit. I will help make it easier for you. Now, go and pray and fast for the kingdom. Remember, a time of renewal is at hand for all of God’s children to come back to Him. There just needs to be time for quiet reflection and prayer. All is well my child. Go now and turn away from sin.
Your Jesus

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